Wednesday, May 5, 2010

That emu - if that's what it is - we ain't done."

Dear Loyal Readers,

I'm so sorry I've been lax in my writing, but I assure you, this is worth the wait. In fact, the Herald came through so well, I ran upstairs (leaving the children in the care of our trusted babysitter - Senora Television), and got on the computer.

Just a little warning, it is a rather lengthy article (bless their ever-loving slow news day hearts!), but it's worth it. And no matter where this story ends up, just remember - you heard it here first.

Just to give you a taste of what's to come:
Today's Headline: "Emu to Rockhill - Catch me if you can!"

"I was right about gettin' up to him, Had him by the neck feathers. Wrong about the lassoing though."

There is a second page, so be sure to click Next Page at the bottom. And of course, there's a photo gallery for our own amusement.

And here I thought the front page headline about quadruplet lambs would be the highlight of my month.

Happy Reading. I promise I'll write more later.


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