Saturday, May 22, 2010

Abusing friends and relations

Hi All,

Okay, so I know I'm taking advantage of you and your emails. But I promise I won't do it after we get our little website out there to the world. Tell all your friends, family, neighbors, acquaintances and/or people walking down the street to visit:, and the harassment will stop . . . or at least wane a bit.

In all seriousness, I don't like abusing my friends and family, but since this is our Grand Opening week and we have no marketing budget, I have to do what I have to do.

Seems there's been some concern about the rules regarding our little giveaway - it does not matter if you're related, friends, etc. We're a two person company, and we make up our own rule! That being said, sign up. If you don't want a monogrammed item, think of someone you know who might.

I also wanted to let you know that Southern Gifting has issued a 10% off coupon code for this weekend (5/22 & 5/23) only: top ten

If you're not in the market for anything, just do me the favor of passing it on to someone else.

Just in case you're wondering, it's in the mid-80's here with intermittent thunderstorms. The frogs and mosquitos (but thankfully not the snakes just yet) are out in droves.

Have a great weekend!


Monday, May 17, 2010

After all, you're only as cute as your bag

Hi everyone,

Sorry to send a mass email like this, but it is of paramount importance . . . Okay, not really, just truly self-serving and easier.

Despite my best efforts to lead a life of leisure and do nothing beyond drinking coffee at Starbucks, and taking naps, I have taken on a part-time job. I know, total shocker.

That being said, I really feel like Martha would be so proud. As she started with a friend and catering business, we are starting with a website.

Jeff thankfully has humored me through this whole process, since as of yet, it is an unpaid job . . . but we're hopeful.

Hence this email. As we have no marketing budget to speak of, I am relying on the generous networking and emotional support of my friends and relatives. I feel a little bad that I may very well be abusing those relationships, but clearly not bad enough to not send this email.

After many weeks and many hours, we are ready for the big unveiling of Southern Gifting:

There is actually an upside to this email though. Since it's our big Grand Opening, we're doing Seven Days of Giveaways. But don't worry, those of you who are thinking, "but I don't need a tutu or veil at this moment" - we're giving away monogrammed bags. And frankly, they're pretty great bags.

So I don't get scathing reply emails about not including anything in the email beyond advertising our website, here's a little about the family:

Addie thinks she's a pirate and has developed quite and addiction to skull, spider, ripped flesh and barbed wire tattoos . . . Not sure if her future will be in a motor cycle gang, or as a surfer. At this point it could go either way.

Lorelei just started standing on her own, and has even been so bold as to take a few steps. We expect her to be fully walking by the end of the week. She is also an expert growler, which I believe she picked up from Addie, as she too is quite an accomplished grunt-er and growler.

Jeff is still at Daimler and dreams of the day when I will make enough money for him to quit and stay home with the kids.

And by the way - if you want to buy something while you're visiting our little website, I won't stop you.

As for me, well I still make tutus, and have expanded into capes, veils and hanging tutu topiary. I've even gone so far as to have taken a few sewing classes. Although being self-taught and reinventing the wheel is fun and all, there's something to be said for learning the right and easy way first.

In regards to this website development stuff, well let's just say, it's a good thing I have a degree in English and a background in HR, because that's really come in handy . . . or not. Speaking of reinventing the wheel . . .

Hope you are all well and enjoying spring (although it's practically summer here).

Hugs, Kisses and Handshakes,

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

That emu - if that's what it is - we ain't done."

Dear Loyal Readers,

I'm so sorry I've been lax in my writing, but I assure you, this is worth the wait. In fact, the Herald came through so well, I ran upstairs (leaving the children in the care of our trusted babysitter - Senora Television), and got on the computer.

Just a little warning, it is a rather lengthy article (bless their ever-loving slow news day hearts!), but it's worth it. And no matter where this story ends up, just remember - you heard it here first.

Just to give you a taste of what's to come:
Today's Headline: "Emu to Rockhill - Catch me if you can!"

"I was right about gettin' up to him, Had him by the neck feathers. Wrong about the lassoing though."

There is a second page, so be sure to click Next Page at the bottom. And of course, there's a photo gallery for our own amusement.

And here I thought the front page headline about quadruplet lambs would be the highlight of my month.

Happy Reading. I promise I'll write more later.
